Well, here I am again completely depressed about what to wear! I know there are many other important issues going on in the world today but in my world this is major. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR. I like my dressy clothes. I love my pajamas and thanks to a nice Victoria's Secret gift card I received this past holiday I really like my undies. I have shoes galore and even more handbags. I am somewhat happy with my hair now. Remember it's been longish for years and years and then I started to feel like I was getting a little long in the tooth for that length (but it still works for Suzanne
Somers) so last November I let my beloved hairdresser, Lynette, do whatever she wanted and I ended up with a fabulous A-line bob which worked perfectly with my naturally straight fine
blonde hair. So, I've had 2 bang-trims since then and now I am looking a little shaggy and ready for a new cut. I feel much more grown-up with shorter hair and sexier and not li
ke an older woman trying to look 20-something. I see so much of that here in LA. I have a very favorite sitcom line from 'Maude': "I am many things, Walter Findlay, but I am NOT a woman of my age". I just love that one. So, I'm going in for a cut this week. Lynette just opened her own salon which is exciting news for her. I have followed her to three different salons.
OK, back to the clothes... I just don't know what to wear for daytime casual. I am sick of jeans. I have one decent pair of white denim pants that I have had for years that I love and just pulled out of the closet. I am sick of the whole LA yoga-casual look. I feel better when I wear black but am truly sick and tired of all the
blondes in black here. I just don't know what to wear. I would be happier back in a city. I feel like going back to bed this morning and reading fashion magazines to find inspiration. My one great idea is to look through some magazines and find a good look for myself and then to go out and try to re-create the entire outfit. I know it doesn't sound very creative but I am desperate. I have an event to go to
Wednesday night at the
Montmartre Lounge in Hollywood and I imagine it will be very casual but I still need to look stylish for it. I think I need to find a fashionable friend to help with things like this. Any ideas?