Goodness gracious! I have been through so much in the 2-plus years since my last post! The good news is that I'm finally getting healthy enough to return to living my life to the fullest.
Hmmmm, where to begin....
OK, so, in May of 2007 my (then) boyfriend, CE, and I went on an unbelievably amazing cruise on Oceania ( I highly recommend this line) to the Greek Islands, Malta and the
Amalfi coast. We had the most amazing time and I'll dig up some pictures to post soon,
anyhooo... on our third day in Greece I woke up with a BIG pimply thing on my chest, it didn't hurt or look infected so I just tried to keep it covered because it looked so icky. It looked just like a big target. Some of you knowledgeable ones might recognize where this story is going right now but CE and I didn't think it was anything that odd. So, the trip went on and I felt great and then about 2 weeks after the bite I was back at home and had a crazy, spinning almost black-out moment and was taken to the emergency room. The doctor couldn't find anything really significant but the lymph nodes in my neck where swollen and he thought that I may have some pressure in my ears from the long flight that would have caused the
Well, my darling readers, that was only the beginning! I never got better. It took an entire year of going to doctor after doctor after doctor! Then in summer of 2008, CE was talking to a friend in an airport on the east coast and telling him that I had been sick for an entire year when a woman who had been listening to him talk about my symptoms and said that I should be tested for
Lyme disease. So, I finally found a doctor that would test me and it came back positive! I was so happy to finally know what had happened to me. I can't tell you how many doctors told me that I was: stressed,
pre-menopausal, depressed, eating wrong, blah, blah, blah!!!!
So, the past year has been spent doing everything my doctor recommended and guess what? I didn't get better. Tons of
IV's, herbs, natural remedies,
acupuncture, chiropractic and more things than I can remember. None of them helped! At all!! Then I started a crazy-sounding remedy that I had read about online and it's actually working for me.
I feel fabulous now for the first time in so long. Not 100% yet but definitely on my way. I've got lots more to tell you about but will save some for my next post!